Surgical ambulatory procedures
With the opening of our two-site model, we have amalgamated ambulatory procedure services to one location within our Orlando Corporation Ambulatory Surgical & Procedures Centre. Our expanded services are located at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital on C-Wing level 5 with:
- C5 Procedures Purple – serving our patients visiting Minor surgery/minor procedures, urology and ambulatory surgery
- C5 Procedures Aqua – serving our patients visiting the hospital for Endoscopy, interventional procedures preparation/recovery, as well as ambulatory cardioversions and transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) services
Our Orlando Corporation Ambulatory Surgical & Procedures Centre provides quicker access to services, in a pleasing and refreshed space. The diagnostic and therapeutic treatment options available mean that we are able to support continued care planning and treatment of health conditions without the need for these patients to be admitted to hospital.