
Mackenzie Health offers proactive and best practice learning and training opportunities, supported by our MyLearning platform.


At Mackenzie Health, we strive to be a learning organization where the focus is on advancing our continuous learning culture to ensure we are meeting organizational and learner needs. MyLearning is Mackenzie Health’s easy-to-use and mobile-friendly corporate learning platform. Staff, physicians, volunteers, and contracted partners can access MyLearning to complete their Mandatory Corporate Curriculum, Clinical Curriculum, EPIC eLearning modules and department- or role-specific online training.

Mandatory Corporate eLearning modules are required to be completed within two weeks of your start dateNew employees in a clinical role are also required to complete their Mandatory Clinical eLearning modules prior to the start of their Department/Unit Training.

All assigned modules can be found under “MyCourses” once you login to the system.

For additional support including new hire access, click on the dropdown options below or contact

For new hires logging in for the first time (inside the hospital)

  1. Log in to the computer using your Initial Computer Login which was provided to you by your Talent & Benefit Associate (TBA)
    • User Name: typically your first initial and last name (e.g. jsmith)
    • Password: temporary password provided
  2. Once you have re-set your password, please proceed to the For existing staff section below

For new hires logging in for the first time (outside of the hospital)

If you have not yet logged into a Mackenzie Health computer or onto the network, you must reset your password before accessing MyLearning. To reset your password:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your Initial Computer Login which was provided to you
    • User Name: mackenziehealth\ plus your username (e.g. mackenziehealth\jsmith)
    • Password: temporary password provided
  3. Once you have reset your password, please proceed to the next step For existing staff

For existing staff

  1. Go to
  2. If you are not automatically logged into MyLearning, please log in with the following:
  • Username: (e.g.
  • Password: use your hospital network password


See our User Guide which covers the following topics:

  • Logging in
  • Finding your assigned training
  • Reviewing your completion history
  • Registering for a course
  • For staff with MyLearning administrative privileges, please refer to the following guide

If you have any questions about MyLearning, please contact