Staff and Physician Resources

In an effort to continue to support our staff and physicians, below is a collection of resources and supports we hope you will find helpful.

These resources have been reviewed for accuracy and are organized to be accessible. Many scientific publishers around the world are offering special collection access for free and libraries are working together to collect the best information resources. These can be found on the intranet (internal access only).

Homewood Health

Homewood Pathfinder is designed to enhance Homeweb - your current online mental health and wellness portal. It will assess the reason for accessing the program, determine how serious your concern is, your level of risk and your care preferences, and offer you the right Employee Assistance Program service or resource at the right time. Where clinically appropriate, you can book services or connect with a professional immediately, and through Pathfinder you can also manage service scheduling.

For login information, please visit the intranet.

Support Services

 408-HELP Line

The Distress Centres of Greater Toronto provide 24-hour support, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to individuals in our community at risk. Support includes emotional support, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.

Mind Beacon

Offers Canadians the full spectrum of digital mental health support, including face-to-face live therapy, therapist-guided programs, immediate crisis support and free resources from the Stronger Minds community. 

What's Up Walk In

Provide support for children, youth, and families with children,

Family Service Toronto

Offers counseling and group session services, COVID-19 support and community resources, and virtual workshops

Tangerine Walk In

Provide support for children, youth, and families with children,

Low-Cost Therapy (A list of therapists and services at a low cost)

The Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy

The Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy provides a list of therapists who may offer services at a low cost.

Hard Feelings

An innovative non-profit organization based in Toronto. They support a community of mental health professionals who offer low-cost, short-term counselling.

Shift Collab Open Path Psychotherapy Collective

A nonprofit that allows therapists to provide affordable, in-office and online psychotherapy sessions.



Down Dog Yoga

This online yoga app is offering free access to yoga videos for healthcare professionals. Sign up and have access to hundreds of yoga videos.


BounceBack® is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help and manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness. 

Calm App Blog

The Calm app is offering selected free resources in English, German, Spanish, French, Korean, and Portuguese to help you meditate, sleep, and stretch. Thee site also features guided meditations for children of various ages.

Audio Resources by Anxiety Canada

Anxiety Canada offers downloadable audio resources where you can learn more about strategies to live with anxiety such as calm breathing, mindful body scans visualizations and more.

Emergency Responders: Tips for taking care of yourself

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers information about preparing for a response and identifying burnout and secondary traumatic stress including supporting resources about how to cope during and after a response.

Anxiety Canada

Learn from experts on how you can cope with anxiety during this time of uncertainty


An independent non-profit that provides free, evidence-based mental health education and support


Grief Resources

What's Your Grief Podcast

A podcast that provides grievers with more diverse options for grief support

Harvard Business Review: That Discomfort You're Feeling is Grief

Grief expert David Kessler explains how the classic five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, acceptance) apply today, and the practical steps we can take to manage the anxiety.

A Place for Mom: Anticipatory Grief - Learning the Signs and How to Cope

Learning how to identify and cope with anticipatory grief symptoms while caring for a dying parent can help you both make the most of the time you have together.

CAMH: Loss, Grief, and Healing

Understand how the pandemic causes experiences of loss and grief, and how to move forward in the face of uncertainty.


Resources for Health Care Workers

University of Toronto: Wellness Resources

A variety of resources to help manage our wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic


Canadian Psychological Association

A list of all registered psychology practitioners to consider donating some of their time to provide psychological services to front line health care providers who may be feeling stressed, overwhelmed or distressed by being on the front lines of this health crisis.


Non-Crisis Support Lines/Online Chat

Better Help

Tap into the world’s largest network of licensed, accredited, and experienced counselors who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more.

Bean Bag Chat

Offers free, safe, and engaging support with online peer support or counselling, online mental health support tools, and a path to face-to-face peer support for young adults aged 16-29 years old


Offers confidential and non-judgmental peer support through telephone, text, and chat services

Distress Centres of Greater Toronto

24/7/365 Support for emotional support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention

Crisis Text Line Text

HOME to 741741 for free 24/7 crisis counseling

Crisis Lines

This province-wide listing includes free crisis lines via telephone, online, and chat features

Gerstein Crisis Centre- Stay Connected

Offers free online wellness support groups


Additional Mental Health Resources

George Brown College- Counselling and Student Well-Being

Includes webinars, podcasts, articles, and a list of resources


Uses research and data to match you with the best possible therapist

Mental Health Commission Of Canada

Includes resources, tip sheets and webinars

Friends of Ruby: Mental Health Services

The counselling team reflects the diversity of the LGBTQI2S community. Their personal and professional experience informs our comprehensive and collaborative approach to mental health and well-being. They offer one-on-one counselling, group sessions, and crisis support

 Leadership Communication: Anticipating and Responding to Stressful Events

The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress highlights effective leadership communication in stressful events. 

How to Lead Through a Crisis

The Center for Creative Leadership offers 5 actions leaders can take to prepare and respond in a time of crisis.

Best Practices for Managing Virtual Teams and Meetings

The Center for Creative Leadership offers strategies for managing virtual meetings and teams.

How to Work from Home Effectively

Holland Bloorview offers information about working from home effectively including resources on maximizing efficiency and productivity remotely.

Physician Health and Wellness

The Canadian Medical Association offers this physician health and wellness website with physician stories, tools, and resources.

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