MyChart - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page will provide you with information regarding what MyChart is and how to sign up and use it.
MyChart is a portal for patients to securely access their health records from Mackenzie Health. The free service provides you with online access to manage and receive information about your health care journey at Mackenzie Health.
With MyChart, you will have online access to:
- Check in online 7 days prior to your next appointment using our eCheck-In* service
- View past and upcoming appointments
- View preparation instructions for upcoming appointments
- Complete pre-visit questionnaires*
- Cancel appointments*
- Update your demographics at any time (includes address, phone number, family physician, and more)
- View lab and test results
- View and share Diagnostic images including X-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRI and more
- Clinical notes on your care and treatment
- Track your health*
- Access your list of conditions or medical concerns diagnosed at Mackenzie Health as well as your prescribed medications and known allergies
*Available for select clinics
* Although patients can view and cancel appointments using MyChart, re-scheduling of appointments should be done with the respective clinic via telephone.
Is there a fee to use MyChart?
MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.
How can I sign up?
You can easily sign up for MyChart in one of the following three ways:
- When your appointment is being scheduled, you will be asked for your e-mail address and an 'Activation Code' will be sent to you with instructions on how to create your MyChart account. If you are not asked about signing up, simply indicate you are interested in MyChart with the scheduler or during registration at an upcoming appointment. Note that Activation Codes are only valid for 30 days.
- At discharge from Mackenzie Health, you will be provided an After Visit Summary which contains a MyChart ‘Activation Code’ at the bottom of the first page. Click the link below to sign up using your Activation Code.
- Former patients can self-sign up on MyChart
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill or
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 4:00 p.m.
How do I see my test results?
From the MyChart home page, click on "View your test results" under Quick Links on the right hand side of the page. You can also access your results from the Health menu by selecting the "Test Results" option. All your available diagnostic imaging reports and lab results will appear under this "Test Results" section of MyChart.
To ensure results are accurately interpreted in the context of your clinical situation, please review your results with your referring physician.
How long does it take for results to appear in MyChart?
Results are released as soon as they are available (on average between 1 to 14 days). If you do not see your results within 14 days, please call 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill or 905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan.
How do I see my notes in MyChart?
To view clinical notes, log on to MyChart and click on the ‘Visits’ tab, select ‘Appointments and Visits’ and from your past visits, select the visit for which you would like to see your notes. Where applicable, clinical notes will be available under the “Admission Summary” or “Notes” tab.
Can I see diagnostic images through MyChart?
Diagnostic images are now available through MyChart. Mackenzie Health has partnered with PocketHealth to give patients online access to view and share their images from our hospital and other participating organizations at a reduced fee. This includes x-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs and other diagnostic testing.
Will I be able to view my entire health record in MyChart?
Select information about your care at Mackenzie Health is currently available in MyChart. For the outpatient clinics, most clinical notes will be available immediately after your appointment. For inpatient consults, operative notes and discharge summaries, along with any laboratory or diagnostic imaging test results not previously available during your stay, will be available in MyChart upon discharge from the hospital.
How can I request a paper or CD copy of my complete health record at Mackenzie Health?
Records can be downloaded from MyChart to your computer for printing or transferring to USB or CD by clicking on the ‘Health’ tab, followed by ‘Download my Record’.
Mackenzie Health has partnered with PocketHealth to give patients online access to view and share their images from our hospital and other participating organizations at a reduced fee. This includes x-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs and other diagnostic imaging.
By accessing your images online, you can:
- Save on time, no need to visit the hospital to obtain a CD
- Save money on parking and reduced fees
- Share your images online directly with your requesting physician
- View images from our and other participating hospitals and x-ray clinics
Log in to your MyChart Account, visit the Test Results page and follow the link to our partner site, PocketHealth. From there, you can access your images in 3 easy steps:
- Enter your patient information, including name, date of birth and health card number
- Consent to the terms and conditions of the services being provided
- Complete a secure payment of $5
You can also request a CD copy of your health records from Health Information Services at Mackenzie Health for a small fee. Please visit our Health Information Services page for more information.
How can I access my clinical notes for visits prior to July 8, 2017?
We can release a portion of your clinical notes to your MyChart account from as early as January of 2015. Please contact us at, or call our MyChart Support Line at: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill, 905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan to request this information.
I have a test result which is higher or lower than the normal, why is that?
You may see a result which is higher or lower than the normal reference ranges for that test; however, depending on your medical conditions and the medications you might be taking, this result could be considered acceptable by your physician.
Your physician will evaluate your test results in the context of your medical history, physical examination, and other relevant factors to determine whether a result that falls outside of the reference range means something significant for you.
If you have any questions about your test results, please contact your referring physician’s office.
If some of my health information on MyChart is not correct, what should I do?
If you believe your health information is incorrect, you have the right to request a correction to this information. For more information, please visit the Health Information Services section on the Mackenzie Health website.
Can I cancel appointments on MyChart?
Yes, you are able to view appointments online and cancel appointments up to 24 hours before the appointment for select clinics. To re-schedule appointments, you will need to contact the respective clinic by telephone.
Are you looking for a CD copy of your images?
Mackenzie Health has partnered with PocketHealth to give patients online access to view and share their images from our hospital and other participating organizations at a reduced fee. This includes x-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs and other diagnostic imaging.
Log in to your MyChart account to access this and additional features including eCheck-In, lab and test results, preparation instructions for upcoming appointments and more!
What are the benefits to accessing my images online?
By accessing your images online, you can:
- Save on time, no need to visit the hospital to obtain a CD
- Save money on parking and reduced fees
- Share your images online directly with your requesting physician
- View images from our and other participating hospitals and x-ray clinics
How do I sign up?
Log in to your MyChart Account, visit the Test Results page and follow the link to our partner site, PocketHealth. From there, you can access your images in 3 easy steps:
- Enter your patient information, including name, date of birth and health card number
- Consent to the terms and conditions of the services being provided
- Complete a secure payment of $5
Can I come to the hospital and pick up my images in person?
You can request a CD copy of your health records from Health Information Services at Mackenzie Health for a small fee. Please visit our Health Information Services page for more information.
What is PocketHealth, and what problem is it solving?
Being able to easily view diagnostic imaging files — like Ultrasounds, Mammograms, CT scans and MRIs — is often critical for your ongoing or future treatment and your physician may need rapid access your recent diagnostic imaging to aid or direct their decision-making.
However, sharing these records in the past meant you had to return to your hospital/clinic to request and pick-up a CD with your imaging files, and then drop this CD off at the time of your doctor visit. If you’re out-of-town, your hospital/clinic may be willing to courier the CD over, but isn’t a fast (or cheap) option either. Unfortunately, this is still how most of the diagnostic imaging industry operates — CDs are the primary form of imaging file transfer from a hospital/clinic to patient, physician or external hospital.
PocketHealth is a big step in the right direction: it’s a simple, secure web platform that is designed to mimic how image sharing works ‘outside’ of healthcare — i.e., user-friendly, reliable and fast. PocketHealth allows you to permanently store your complete imaging history from over 500 hospitals/clinics across North America.
How does online access to images help patients and their care team?
Reliable access to your images equips patients with the tools to become truly active participants in their own care. With the ability to easily access and control where their health record goes, patients can become more engaged, informed and empowered to make a difference in their own health.
The ability to access and share your records in diagnostic quality means patients avoid unnecessary tests or repeat radiation when prior exams are required by a physician and can’t be quickly located. Instant, remote sharing also means you can leave the CD behind and save multiple trips acting as a courier between your imaging center and your consultation (tip: you can request your record remotely as well). By sharing your record days before your consultation your physician, chiropractor or physiotherapist can spend your in-clinic time delivering direct care, not loading a CD or reviewing imaging for the first time.
Lastly, with online access to images you also have the option to upload and digitize any imaging already in your possession like old CDs or records currently stored on USB, and truly complete your imaging record. That way, even if your hospital/clinic isn’t part of the PocketHealth network, you can upload and share a comprehensive capture of your imaging record, in full diagnostic quality.
The bottom line: having online access to your images means you and your healthcare providers receive secure access to the imaging information you need, when you need it. By building and maintaining your imaging record over time, you can have the peace of mind that when you or your healthcare provider need a prior study quickly, it’s only a click away.
What can I do with my images online?
By logging onto your MyChart account at and accessing our partner site, PocketHealth, you have access to a wide variety of features. For example, you can:
- Share Imaging Electronically: Share your images with any healthcare professional in full diagnostic quality by fax, email or print-a-link, who can then view the records instantly within their web browser via a Health Canada/FDA-certified diagnostic viewer.
- Burn your own CD or USB: With the simple Self-Serve function in your account, you can easily burn your entire imaging record onto a CD or USB Drive with an integrated diagnostic viewer for your physician.
- Download: Download individual images as PNG files (for non-diagnostic use only) or download entire records as DICOM files (for diagnostic use). These files can be stored locally on your computer or shared via USB or by burning to CD.
- Request Records from New Clinics/Hospitals: Search for over 500 clinics and hospitals across North America and enroll for access from new imaging providers, helping build a more comprehensive health record.
- Upload Your Old CDs: Upload and digitize any imaging already in your possession like old CDs or records from hospitals not currently connected to PocketHealth, and truly complete your imaging record.
- Have Your Record Wherever You Go: You can access your images from any device with an internet connection, anywhere in the world - forever.
Of course, the most important feature of accessing your images online is that your imaging record(s) will be securely stored in full medical quality that you can access and share at a moment’s notice. Finally: your health records, in your control.
How long does it take to receive my images online?
Through our partner, PocketHealth, we are electronically connected to your imaging provider (and over 500 other imaging providers across North America), meaning that there is typically no clerical or manual processing related to retrieving your records.
That means that once your consent is provided to PocketHealth, within a few minutes you can expect to receive an email notification that all historical exams have been added to your account. If you have a very large record set (some patients have hundreds of historical imaging exams), this may take up to 2 to 3 hours.
Your imaging records are typically released between 3 and 14 days after the reports are finalized. If you do not see your images after 14 days, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail: or
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill or
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 4:00 p.m.
What should online access to images not be used for?
Online access to images should not be used for any analysis of your imaging record unless you are a trained medical professional. Diagnostic images require highly specialized training to interpret and often require a sophisticated DICOM viewer to aid analysis as well as full, professional understanding of your medical history. Having online access to images is a powerful tool for you to control and share your imaging records, but that still means you should work closely and collaboratively with your physician at every step of your diagnosis and treatment plan.
If you are not sure about which medical professional is best to speak to about a particular exam, try starting with the physician that referred you for the testing! For simplicity, you can find their name on the left of every exam you view, in case you’re not sure exactly who your referring physician was.
How long are my records stored for?
Your records are stored permanently within your account for your future access. If you prefer to keep your records offline, you can always download your entire record onto your computer. You can also permanently remove all of your records from our partner site, PocketHealth, anytime, and revoke access from anyone you’ve shared your records with.
What exactly is included in my record?
All of the imaging in the exam(s) you have requested will be included in your record in their original diagnostic format (DICOM). These images also include a number of embedded attributes (e.g., date of exam, body part, patient identifier, etc.) that make up an important and essential part of your imaging record. You should also receive the typed radiologist report for the exams as well, though on rare occasion this may not be possible due to the individual policy of the imaging provider that transferred your imaging record.
I think an imaging record is missing, what should I do?
If you believe any exams are missing from your account, please reach out to MyChart Support at Let us know the type of exam and date your exam was performed. With this information we can better advise you on how to access your exam.
How do I share my record with my physician?
You can securely share your entire imaging record (or even just a few, selected exams) directly through our partner site, PocketHealth: simply click on the ‘Share My Records’ button, and select either Email, Fax or Print:
Email: Enter in the email address for your physician (or their registration/front desk) or healthcare institution. Be sure to ask your physician/healthcare institution beforehand, to ensure you are sending your records to the correct address. Once you’ve confirmed, you can click “Share”, and then in a few seconds your recipient with receive an email with a unique secure link and an access code that will allow them to view your imaging record within their web browser as well as download your diagnostic-quality imaging as DICOM files to import into their internal system.
Print: Print a secure Access Page and bring it to your appointment. The code on this access page is unique to this specific share only, and will expire after 7 days. If your physician follows the simple steps on the page, they will be able to view your imaging within their web browser as well as download your diagnostic-quality imaging as DICOM files to import into their internal system.
Fax: Yes — that’s right, fax! Chances are, this is still a common method of sending and receiving information for your hospital/physician, so if you’re trying to fit in with your physician’s workflow faxing your record access may be a good option for you as well. To use this function, ask your recipient for their fax number and then enter it in. Once you’ve confirmed, you can click “Send Fax” and in a few seconds the secure Access Page (the same type that’s generated for Print Sharing, but a bit more ‘fax-friendly’) is faxed over to the recipient. Just like with Print Sharing, if your physician follows the simple steps on the page, they will be able to view your imaging within their web browser as well as download your diagnostic-quality imaging as DICOM files to import into their internal system.
We believe in simple, quick access for healthcare professionals, so your recipient does not need to have a MyChart or PocketHealth account before you share with them nor are they required to create one at any point. They also do not need to download any specialized software or install any plugins to access the full viewing & downloading functionality of the platform.
Can I check on the status of my share, resend a share, or revoke access?
Yes! You are able to view the status of your share, resend it or revoke access to your imaging at any time. To do so, please select ‘My Shares’ in your top menu and you’ll then be presented with a detailed history of how you have shared your records, with status logs and buttons that allow you to resend/revoke any past share.
My physician won't accept an email, fax or printed link — what are my options?
While sharing and accessing imaging online is the fastest and most secure way for healthcare professionals to access imaging, we understand that certain healthcare professionals may prefer that you provide your imaging in the form of a CD or USB. If that is the case, you can burn your imaging records with a DICOM viewer onto a CD or USB directly by selecting the ‘Share My Records’ button within your account and then selecting “CD/USB”. You can then burn your imaging records onto a CD/USB in their original format, along with a DICOM viewer.
How does pricing work and what does my transfer fee cover?
Every time you choose to add records from a new imaging provider to your account, you are required to pay a $5.00 transfer fee. This transfer fee allows you to add all past imaging records from that imaging provider. These records will then be stored permanently in your account, and you will never pay an additional transfer fee to access, download or share those records ever again — they’re yours, forever.
After a while, you may return to your imaging provider to have additional imaging exams done and you may want to update your account with that newer imaging as well. No problem — at any time, you can update your account and receive all of the new imaging records. Since this was a new transfer, it does require another $5.00 transfer fee. Once you’ve paid that, these records will work just like your previous ones: they’re stored permanently without any further fees (ever), and you can share, access and download them as many times as you’d like.
One last twist: since its possible that you may have to return to get new imaging done unexpectedly days after you just paid a $5.00 fee to update your account (bad luck!), every time you update your account or receive records from a new provider, we also give you 14-day grace period. That means that any exams you undergo for the 14 days following a payment are added to your account as part of the transfer you already paid for, without any extra charge.
At the end of the day, we believe that a $5.00, non-recurring fee for electronic access beats taking time off work, travelling back to a hospital, paying for parking, and picking up a CD (which sometimes has its own $10.00-$20.00 fee!). But rest assured: if you do prefer a CD that is completely fine, and your clinic or hospital would be happy to burn one for you if you give them a call beforehand.
I’ve had multiple imaging studies done at one institution — do those need to be requested separately?
No, when you enroll for access at an imaging provider you will receive all available imaging records in your history there, without a limit to the number of studies. If your imaging studies are from a location that is different from the location you submitted your original request to, then you will need to submit a new request for another location. Each clinic or hospital group has their own online request form, and they each require your consent to having information released.
I need my record, but don't have means to pay - what are my options?
Give us a call, toll-free, on our patient support line 905-883-2202 and a representative will be able to process your request to remove the transfer fee linked to your record request. We believe in a Sustainable Pricing model (learn more here) with an affordable fee per record transfer from an imaging center. A key part of this model is that patients that don’t have the means to pay, don’t have to — no questions asked.
How do I remove my records permanently from PocketHealth?
Please submit your request for permanent deletion to A member of our Support Team will walk you through several steps to verify your identity before processing your deletion request. Please note that deletion requests must be made from the email address associated with your PocketHealth account. This process will not impact the storage status of any diagnostic imaging files at your imaging center or physician’s office.
I require further assistance; what resources are available to me?
Please feel free to send us a note at and a member of our support team will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact the MyChart Support Line, at 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill of 905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from Vaughan. Our telephone support hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm EST. Our MyChart Support team is always on-hand to answer your questions (big or small) so, when in doubt, reach out and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.
Can I view a family member's health record in MyChart?
You can give other individuals, called “proxies”, permission to access your complete MyChart record. You can also access your child’s MyChart record through proxy. It is important to note that a proxy user can see a patient’s entire MyChart record, including all health information and all appointments.
In compliance with provincial legislation, individuals aged 12 and older must consent to the email address being used for their MyChart account as well as requests from others to access their information in order to protect patient privacy. This includes another individual, such as a guardian, requesting access to the patient’s record. For more information you can review our Rights of Minors in Health Care brochure by clicking here.
In general, there are three types of access that is allowed, some can be completed through MyChart, others must be done on-site at Mackenzie Health:
Adult to Child
- Children less than 16 years of age are not able to access their own MyChart account, but as a parent or legal guardian, you can be granted access to your child’s chart. This is usually completed at Mackenzie Health at the point of registration for the patient.
- If the patient’s custody arrangements are in dispute, proxy access is at the discretion of the care provider pending the Guardian’s ability to provide legal documentation as to the right to access.
- When a child turns 16, any guardian/child proxy relationships are automatically severed since the patient is now a competent adult, and the child will need to apply for MyChart access in their own right.
Note that all Adult to Child proxy requests must be completed on-site through our Health Information Services (HIS) department. Please visit the HIS department’s FAQs by clicking here for more information.
Adult to Adult (Patient is capable)
- Competent adults over the age of 16 can grant MyChart proxy access to another competent adult online through their active MyChart account.
Adult to Adult (Patient is not capable)
- Those adults whose decision-making rights are exercised by others; for example, a Power of Attorney, can have their decision-maker request access to their health record. Legal documentation will need to be provided confirming that you have decision-making authority for a patient that is not capable to make decisions for themselves.
Requests of this nature must be completed on-site through our Health Information Management (HIM) department at Mackenzie Health. Please visit the HIS department’s FAQs by clicking here more information.
Please note that all proxy requests will be completed as soon as possible (on average between 1 and 3 business days). If you do not see that your proxy access has been assigned within 3 business days, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
Can I remove Proxy Access for someone with whom I no longer wish to share my chart?
Yes, when proxy access is in place and has been assigned, a patient may log in to their MyChart account and remove the proxy access at any time.
Can my spouse and I share one MyChart account?
No, due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each adult must establish their own MyChart account. If you wish to share your health information with your spouse, you can assign proxy access directly through your MyChart account.
For more information about Proxy access through MyChart, contact MyChart Support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
In person: Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm
Health Information Management
Level 1, B-Wing, Room 1926
Mackenzie Health
10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 4Z3
I forgot my password. What should I do?
You may click the "Forgot password" link on the sign-in page to reset your password online. You may also request a new, secure password by contacting MyChart Support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
I want to change my password, what should I do?
Log into MyChart and select the ‘Profile Tab’ and under Account Settings, select the ‘Login Settings’ option.
My account has been deactivated after a few unsuccessful login attempts. What should I do?
To verify your information so that we can reactivate your account, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
I’ve lost my activation code, or it has expired, how do I get a new one?
To verify your information so that we can send you a new activation code, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
How is MyChart secure?
We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal usernames, and passwords. Each person controls their password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password.
What is your Privacy Policy?
MyChart is operated by Mackenzie Health and is fully compliant with federal and provincial laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and e-mail address will be treated with the same care and privacy given your health records. Please refer to Mackenzie Health’s privacy policy for more information.
I was logged out of MyChart, what happened?
We aim to protect the privacy and security of your information. While logged into MyChart, if your keyboard remains idle for 15 minutes or longer, you will automatically be logged out of MyChart. We recommend that you log out of your MyChart session if you need to leave your computer for even a short period of time.
A Better MyChart Experience Across Devices and Platforms
Several MyChart features now have a responsive design, which allows them to automatically resize and adapt to whatever screen a patient is using, whether it is a desktop monitor, tablet or smartphone.
Ex. MyChart login page on full screen Chrome window
Ex. MyChart login page on half-size Chrome window
Patients Are Now Prevented from Accessing MyChart with Internet Explorer 10 and Earlier
To help patients to have a positive experience with MyChart, patients are prevented from accessing MyChart with unsupported browsers. Unsupported browsers are no longer tested by Epic and might potentially have visual or functional issues that could hurt the patient experience.
Microsoft does not provide active technical support or new security fixes for any versions of Internet Explorer except the most recent. Because Internet Explorer 11 is the most recent version, Epic will no longer support Internet Explorer 10 or earlier for MyChart. Patients will see an Internet Explorer error message along the lines of ‘domain name did not resolve’ or ‘this site is not secure.’
To continue using MyChart, patients can update their web browser, switch to a different web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, or use the MyChart mobile app for iOS or Android.
MyChart Mobile Version 6.0 or Later Is Now Required
To make sure the MyChart mobile app works with all the features in your new version of Epic, there is a new minimum required version for the app. With Epic 2018, patients must use MyChart mobile version 6.0 or later to log in to the MyChart app.
Note that to be able to update the MyChart app to version 6.0, patients must have Android 5.0 or higher or iOS 9 or higher.
You may click the "Forgot password" link on the sign-in page to reset your password online. You may also request a new, secure password by contacting MyChart Support:
Log into MyChart and select the ‘Profile Tab’ and under Account Settings, select the ‘Login Settings’ option.
To verify your information so that we can reactivate your account, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan
To verify your information so that we can send you a new activation code, please contact MyChart support:
By e-mail:
By phone: 905-883-2202 from Richmond Hill
905-832-4554 ext. 2202 from across Vaughan